Here’s a bunch of random facts you didn’t ask to know about me - but I’m going to tell you anyways so enjoy!

  • I love to joke around 🤪

  • I’m a dog mom to the sweetest pup, Nitto who is a weenie dog mix. We recently lost our oldest pup Ammo and he was a 12.5 year old - 3 legged yorkie. He is still missed everyday!

  • I’m married to my very best friend. We have been together over 10 years, keep each other laughing, like to pick on each other, and enjoy to go on vacations to make fun new memories. He is also 3 years younger than me (cougar alert)

  • We are expecting our first (human baby lol) and she is so loved already! Can’t wait to meet her soon!

  • I’ll admit that I’m an extremely picky eater. If a 5 year old doesn’t like it I probably don’t either lol. I won’t eat noodles, beans, rice, potato’s, soups, salad dressings, and the list goes on. Don’t judge me… It’s not for any health reason I’m just weird with food textures.

  • I absolutely love scary movies. I’m weird & love to be scared, it gets my adrenaline going - I get all jumpy and scream! (This causes my husband to get embarrassed when we’re in the theater and I scream bloody murder so everybody’s looking ha). Afterwards when we’re home, I’ll sing Jesus Loves Me as I’m running through our dark house so no scary things get me lol.

  • I like building things! I’ve built patio furniture (with a chain saw), tables, benches, signs, our shutters, plus lots of other random stuff. One year for my birthday my grandfather-in-law actaully got me a table saw because he knew I was alittle woodsman-lady and thought I needed one haha.

  • I am VERY competitive, and I’m NOT a good loser. It’s a bad quality to have I know - but Talladaga Nights instilled “If you’re not first, you’re last” and it’s been my motto ever since.

  • If quoting an entire movie was an actual job I could be a millionaire from quoting Nacho Libre. “Get that corn outta my face!” Or Dirty Dancing is a close second “nobody puts baby in the corner.”

  • I may or may not have a shoe addiction…

  • Dr. Pepper and ICEES are literally life.

  • I really like anything that has to do with decorating. Especially CHRISTMAS - my house is a mini winter wonderland right after Halloween. If I didn’t do hair I may have tried my hand at interior design. I love helping people redecorate their space too.

  • I have an adorable little niece Linden Marie, who was a Valentines baby right in the middle of the COVID madness. #coolestauntever

  • I’ve always had a passion for all things hair. I did my own hair for dances in school, styled my sisters hair for formals, dyed my own & friends hair with box dye (do not recommend), did my own hair and my bridesmaids hair for my wedding, and I even taught myself to braid. I never imagined having a career doing something I truly enjoy everyday, but I am beyond proud to be where I am today surrounded in an awesome salon environment with the best clientele around.